Call for Special Issue Proposals

Journal of Business Venturing (JBV) invites submissions for special issue proposals.

  • Interested scholars should submit a 2-3 page single-spaced proposal, excluding references.

  • Proposals should identify the special issue editorial team and describe the importance, focus, and scope of the proposed special issue, elaborating how the special issue will advance understanding of entrepreneurship theory. An exemplar list of research questions can be included to highlight the variety and interest of topics that could be generated through the proposal.

  • A committee comprised of JBV Field Editors will evaluate the proposals and will inform the proposal authors within approximately one month of the proposal deadline. JBV expects to publish up to three special issue per year. JBV will only accept special issue proposals through the formal submission process, which will open annually beginning on April 1 and close on April 30th.

  • Proposals should be submitted via JBV’s submission portal (, with scholars selecting “Special Issue Proposal” in the Submission Type drop-down menu.

The selection committee will evaluate the proposals based on the following parameters:
- The potential for the special issue to advance entrepreneurship theory: As a multidisciplinary, multifunctional, and multi-contextual journal, JBV welcomes research from across disciplines, using a variety of methodological techniques, and drawing upon a breadth of theories; however, a core criterion for all special issue proposals will be the potential for the special issue to advance entrepreneurship.
- The purpose of the special issue: Special issues can have varying objectives, such as catalyzing research in an emerging domain or resolving critical ongoing debates, among other objectives. Special issue proposals will be evaluated based on the perceived importance of their communicated purpose.
- Balance of breadth and focus in theme: Special issue proposals should encompass enough breadth as to confidently attract a sizable number of quality submissions yet also present a clear enough focus as to have a clearly communicated theme.
- Scholarly reputation of proposal editors: To ensure the quality of the editorial process, proposed special issues will be evaluated based upon the scholarly reputations of the proposed editors and the diversity of this team as a way to invite a wider set of voices and perspectives to your special issue topic. Proposed editorial teams do not need to include JBV Field Editors, but members of the proposed editorial team must have a reputation for publishing entrepreneurship research in leading journals.
- The proposed editorial team does not need to include a JBV Field Editor, yet a JBV Field Editor will be assigned to accepted proposals for which the editorial teams do not include JBV Field Editors. The Field Editor of accepted proposals will take a leadership role to ensure the variety and quality of articles to be published in the Special Issue and will be responsible for ensuring regular communication in the Special Issue editorial team and a fair and unbiased review process.
- While not a requirement, a proposal may include plans to host a Special Issue workshop or conference. We prefer these events to occur during the pre-submission stage focused on early ideas and drafts instead of at the R&R stage. Workshops may also tie in with one of our major conferences, such as the Academy of Management or the Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, to help with logistics and travel considerations.

Additional Information

JBV has established a Special Issue Committee that will select the special issue proposals. The Committee reserves the right to request revisions to proposals during the review process, such as changes to the editorial team or the scope of the special issue. Furthermore, the Committee will work with the editorial team of the accepted proposal to establish the timeline for the special issue (1 to 1.5 year timeframe from announcement to initial submission deadline). The Committee will also appoint a current JBV Field Editor as a liaison to the special issue editorial team.

Any additional inquiries can be made to the Editor in Chief - Jeff McMullen